Saving money tips for 2019

It’s 2019 and it has been a very long time since my last post for this blog. Being a blogger is really something that I have aspired since I was in college (kahit hindi pa uso ang mga bloggers). I just love to write but then in 2018, I decided to have it as my sideline or another source of income but it gave me a lot of pressure because being a blogger nowadays was not like before where in you have a blog and that’s just about it. Due to the popularity of social media, if you want to be successful as a blogger, you need to have social media accounts, youtube videos and witty tweets. I just find them so exhausting. I just want to go back to the basics of blogging.

Recently, I was approached by a company to use one of my reviews, I gave them my rate and they responded and did not get back to me. I am not sure if they used my post to their own website and claim it as theirs but I just don’t care anymore. (Karma, karma na lang po) With that, I realized, my posts are online forever and people will eventually stumble on it and might be interested and eventually pay me money for this. I decided to just write on my blog again. Just write. The goal is not exactly to be famous but to learn the things that I’ve been learning. Most bloggers claim to be experts in their field, I just don’t want to do that anymore. It’s not that people will get to read things that were not carefully researched but what I promise is that people will get to read something raw and something that peaked my interest and I hope you do too.

On this blog post, I just want to give a very simple advise on saving money. Starbucks coffee has always been my waterloo for 3 reasons. One, my job requires me to be awake at night; two, I like their customer service and the lighting (yeah, that’s why I don’t get my coffee in Dunkin Donuts) and three, the barista. Yes, my December was very expensive, like I drink 2-3 starbucks coffee/tea just because of this barista. It was like that until I learn that he has multiple girlfriends. Huhu. I did not plan to apply as his girlfriend. The goal was to go out on a first date and from their, decide if I like him or whatever. Anyway, after I defend myself from that stupidity and to the so much money that I spent, My advise is not to have a crush on your barista. This week, from 12 Starbucks coffee, I was down to 4. I still have a very little crush on this barista but whenever I would see him, I just thought of the times that he was rude to me, he was flirty outside Starbucks when he has 2 girlfriends already. Hahaha. Anyway, if you would do the math. That is a big savings. You might now be thinking what I did to the money that I saved for not buying the 8 other starbucks coffee. They went to Baskin Robins, Dairy Queen, Cara Mia, Nature Republic and Terra Nova. This year, I would be more smart in my money spending. I still think this is a win for me because before I would be using my credit card whenever I would buy in places such as Nature Republic and Terra Nova.

I would be sharing other money savings tips that are more realistic. Sorry, I am not a big fan of those challenges because they just don’t make sense to me. I know people who did that, they still don’t have more money than I do. I am not rich, I can just be really a b*tch. I guess, I am just realistic. I am not saying that the 52-week savings challenge or whatever you want to call them don’t work but I guess, what people have to focus on is what to do next with the money because I believe the root cause of why people are not able to save money is because whenever they have extra money, they just spend it. See how I spend my savings from not drinking the 8 starbucks coffee, same goes with my friends who did the 52-week savings challenge, after the 52 weeks they spend it for vacation. I am not saying it’s bad but what I am saying is that the root cause is the one that has to be addressed to make savings more effective. Those are just my thoughts and thank you for reading this blog post. Please check out my post next week!!!
