Want to know why you are not losing weight? Read me

I have quite shared multiple times on how bad I really want to be 105 lbs. With my height, 105 lbs is just ideal. Through the years, I was able to achieve it at one point but I gained it back. I continued working out but still I managed to gain weight. My weight has been a touchy subject for me and so the root cause on how I am apathetic and just angry to the skinny girls that are so insensitive who would announce in social media or in public or within my earshot how it’s so hard to gain weight, like they would eat 6 cups of rice and not gain a lb at all. I feel it is an attack on me or she is just a plain bitch. Three years ago, I was already at 120 lbs and in the beginning of 2018, I was at 158 lbs. Whoa, it was something difficult to type, let’s see how it would be to post it later. I haven’t really said it as blunt as that because it was hard to accept how I gained so much weight with so much effort on my part so I sat down and start to think what are the challenges in my weight loss and not gaining them back.

1. Consistency.
I have been monitoring my weight since 2018 started. I noticed back then that whenever I would not be happy with my weight gain, I would not weigh myself again until I am emotionally ready and sometimes that would take a really long time like up to 3 months and by then I have gained 10 lbs already. I decided to be consistent with that behavior so that if there would be weight gain, I would easily contemplate on what did not work and do something about it.
Another thing that I noticed about me is that I lose consistency whenever I would have a 3-lb loss in a day. (Yeah, it happened just this week, well, it was 2-lb but just one day, it was a good day!) I would fall off the wagon because I gained 1 lb after three days. I lost 2 lbs because I only ate 1200 calories of juice, fruits, whole wheat and veggies and did 90 minute yoga. When I saw that I lost 2 lbs, the following day, I already ate 500 calories in 1 meal and it was stir fried noodles. I did not work out at all and hence, I gained 1 lb after 3 days.
Consistency is the key whether you are getting small victories. It is ok to reward yourself but do not overdo it.  

2. Diet
They say that weight loss is 70% diet and 30% workout. I had no problems in sweating and in working out but the problem is I have problems in controlling the food that I eat. I am not consistent, I sometimes eat too less or too much. It was unhealthy and sad. I tried different trends, the 21 day fix, the intermittent fasting. I tried master cleanse and meal replacements but I was malnourished and unhappy.
When it comes to diet, we have to understand that no matter what they say about metabolism or  your age, calorie deficit is really important in weight loss. You have to know how much you have to eat so that you can effectively lose weight. You can calculate this by going to this website.

I lost 12 lbs. The picture on the left was taken in January 2018 while the one on the right was taken in May 2018. I was yoyo-ing still but in the last two weeks, the weight loss was consistent.

3. Lifestyle and state of mind
One of the best advice that I got and something that I have been believing in for quite some time is that your weight loss plan, whatever it is should be something that is low-maintenance and should fit to your lifestyle. I did mention that I reach 105 lbs back then already but I gained them back. I ate smoothies for breakfast and no rice for 30 days. I was running 3-4 times a week for me to get that weight but upon reaching the weight, I stopped running, started eating the food that I love and no longer make the smoothie. Why? Making smoothie was taking so much of my time, I am often tired at work because I was running and preparing my own food. I was not getting enough sleep, I am not able to join social events because of the lifestyle change so that I can accommodate this. I ended getting the weight back and even gaining more.
The change that I plan to do in my life is that I will prepare my food on the weekends and on Wednesdays so that it would not take so much of my life. I scheduled my workout, running and yoga sessions. I would ensure to get a balanced social life.
With the food that I eat, I re-calibrated on how I see food. Healthy food does not mean a depressing food. Eating healthy does not mean, you are starving yourself. Counting calories should not be so complicated. Get a visual representation of what a 1200 calorie meal plan looks like so that you do not have to worry about how much calories you are eating. Familiarize yourself on the portion and serving sizes and how much calories they would have so that you are also aware if you are eating too much.  

4. Understanding the science, getting to the root cause and setting up a plan.
To have an effective weight loss, we have to understand our body, what is lacking and do something about things. If what is stopping you from working out is because of lack of energy, ensure to take vitamins so that you can work out. If you feel that you need fiber so that you can remove toxins and waste, then take some. It’s all about understanding what is causing the inefficiency of all of your efforts why you are not losing weight. Once you have identified it, the internet is like an open ocean, read through different scientific journals, product reviews, understand the science of things to identify if that would resolve your problem and finally, set-up a plan. Gather how much calories you need, what would be the best foods to eat especially if you have any type of conditions. Are taking whey protein really going to help you out? Is supplements going to aid your weight loss to resolve any physiological problems that you have so that you can lose weight effectively? Have a plan for the long term but make a detailed plan for short term, like, daily and monthly. Ensure to have short-term and long-term goals as well and do not be afraid, if you do not meet those short-term goals, do not hesitate to switch it up and understand what did not work well for you to not reach your goals.

 I just posted my picture of weight loss, what do you think of it? Please leave them on the comments section below. 
