Blogger of the Week: Mary Orton

***This is not a sponsored post nor a collaboration. This lady/blog just inspired me and I wanted to feature her as the first blogger that I would want to recommend. Any collaborations or if you wanted to be featured on my blog, please send me an email at***

How does a 30 year old dress appropriately at work and still maintain her personality?

Not all of my outfits are memorable, I have to admit that but throughout my life, I was always known to be fashionable. In my younger years, since we are to wear just our uniform in school, I was only able to express myself on weekends or on special occassions. More often than not, I find myself really preparing for my outfit and accessories. In high school, my style seemed to stand out because I liked to wear trendy, girly and pink clothes. Yeah, I was doing the color-blocking thing early on, even without realizing the advantages of it. In college, I was fashionable, comfortable and unique. I would be sewing and making my own dress on special occasions. On days where I am required to wear business clothes, I would really stand out and I was not afraid to get away from neutrals, black and white. My mom really hated that part of my fashion sense in my younger years because it was not practical and professsional, according to her but I was just being young and finding my own sensibilities and aesthetic when it comes to fashion. I started working where in I was required to wear business casual. Being in my 20s, my idea of business casual is a short dress and blazer. I was playful with colors, patterns and designs. I was expressive and original. People would often compliment me on my outfits. All good things must come to an end though, I was pushing 30 and short skirts and body con are not really ideal. Wearing heels are taking a toll on me, I was getting bunions and my feet muscle are so sore that running has become a challenge for me. I knew what my ideal fashion aesthetic would be, something chic, practical and yet original. I was just not sure what are the pieces and I still did not visualize how my wardrobe would look like and how my outfits would not be repetitive. The gods and goddesses of fashion gave me the solution to my question when I discovered Mary Orton.

Mary Orton is the blogger behind Memorandum. She is New York based and she describes her blog as the destination for the stylish, urban working girl. To be honest, if you would be viewing my social media posts or if you know me in real life, you would just know how urban I am. As other peoples ideal of a vacation and escape is to go to the beach or away from the city, mine is spending it in the city, discovering new places and new experience, so I am urban. Going back to Mary Orton, her outfits and her blog would make you feel so inspired to dress up when you go to work everyday. She made me feel that being a professional does not mean boring. I believe that women should look put together and polished when they go to the office. I am not great with wearing accessories and using accessories but as I pushed 30, I learned that scarves and pashminas are not just accessories but they are functional too, they protect you from the sun when an umbrella is just too much to carry, protect you from the wind, protect you from dirt when you are not a fan of wearing those face masks. Those chunky bags that apparently are so heavy are wear all of your tings are! Shades are also essential because they are not just there so that you would look cool when you step out of the office but you are also being protecting yourself from crows feet. Mary Orton shows you how to wear accessories and also not over do it. The blog is also not about just fashion but you can also find fitness and beauty. New York is a nice place and she does a good job in showcasing the city.

Now, lets take a look at her blog. As what most bloggers do, they have the white background and just staying with the neutrals. Featuring these bloggers really made me realize where my blog can improve on and the layout has a lot of areas of improvement and once I have the time and the money to work on these. I would definitely be working on making my blog white and black with hints of pink. I am not me without any shades of pink. I also enjoy how easy and busy her blog is. I mean, you get to see at the very top the things that you would find on her blog, her social media accounts and the name of the blog. Just below it, you would see a lot of helpful articles that would already explain to you what her blog is about, this is really helpful for those who just stumble on to her blog for the first time.

Screengrab from the website

I have been following her in Instagram for about 2 years now and people really cannot deny on how I have evolved throughout those 2 years. Besides everything that I learned from work, all the realizations at work and working with different people, my professional growth did not just end on skill and intellectual level but on a style level. I am no longer wearing those short skirts that I felt so much comfort as before. If would wear them, its because its the weekend and I am wearing shorts underneath them. I am now on the road to my ideal style, chic, pratical and original.

You can visit her blog at 
