Blogger of the week: It sux to be fat

This might be the nth time that I will be saying this but it has been my goal to be 105 lbs. It has been years that I promised to be that weight. I was able to reach it once but then I gained it back. Now, I decided to be really serious with it. On my previous post, I discussed the things that led for me to not be successful on my weight loss. Well, it was not just me but I know most of us who are struggling in losing weight also faced similar challenges as I do. As I was looking for more and more inspiration in my weight loss journey, I also contemplate on what I am looking for in a fitness inspiration. I want to become an inspiration to people who has been having the struggles as I do, I am looking for a girl who is not perfect but is aiming to be healthy and strong.

Let’s put it this way, basically, I am looking for a girl who is real. A girl who gains weight, who understands the challenges of a real person, how difficult it is to maintain a workout and diet schedule given the time and money constraints. I want to find that someone who is relatable. As I was looking for in different fitness and weight loss blog, I stumped on this blog. The blog is entitled It sux to be fat. The blogger’s name is Jennifer and she is definitely who I am looking for in a fitness inspiration. The girl already lost 100 lbs and already ran her first marathon, 3 years in on her weight loss journey. She shared her journey through her blog. I am not really aiming for the same thing for my blog. My goal and vision for my own blog is for everyone to see my journey as I become the person that I inspire to be. I wanted to be fit and slim, I want to be able to run my first marathon, hopefully before I turn 35. I want to achieve financial freedom, I want to share my wedding plans, I want to learn and share some skills. So going back to It sux to be fat. She is primarily focus on her weight loss journey which is still exciting to see. Jennifer made me realize that it is a journey, not because you achieve the weight that you aimed for, it ends there. I already achieved my goal but I am not able to keep the weight off. The only thing that is keeping me hope is the fact that I was able to achieve it before and I will be able to do it again.

It sux to be fat also features recipes. I haven’t really checked in to her recipes yet but it is good to know that I have options to where I can look for just in case I am tired of the food that I have been preparing for myself. I enjoy the most reading her weekly weigh-in. She does share not only triumphs but also defeat, which is realistic. The post that I really love is the Doritos are the Devil- Weekly weigh-in. It shows that we may be committed to diet and exercise but every once in a while, we will have to give ourselves some type of reward. It’s ok for us to give in to cravings, the important thing is that we do not give up. We understand what caused the weight gain and then do something about it and come back with a vengeance on the next weigh-in. I like how most of the posts are already on the page and occupying most of the page, the lay out follows the same principle as my blog, probably that’s why I have such affinity on her blog. I also like the cartoon drawing of herself and of her blog. This is one of the blog that I am watching out for.

Her website is You can visit it whenever you need to be inspired or when losing weight starts to be exhausting and you are just frustrated because it seems like nothing is working, check out her blog, it would make you realize that it is ok and normal but keep in mind to never give up, weight loss is a journey, not just a destination. 
