My Experience with Master Cleanse

I know it has been a long time since I posted. So what have I been up to for the last few weeks. We had this family events 2 weeks ago and of course, there were food! The food was good! Thank you Island Cove and Queensland for catering the events. One event was held in Island Cove while the other one was held in the Fields Clubhouse catered by Queensland. I have been struggling with my weight for the longest time and I am really serious with being 105 lbs this 2018, so serious that I can no longer enjoy food so I enjoy binge eating during my cheat days that ‘dieting’ on other days are preposterous. With good food at bay, I ended up losing 4 extra lbs. WTH??? I was no longer meeting the 1-2lb weight loss per week and I even gain weight just because of this 2 family events??? So I had a lot of contemplating to do. I also noticed that I had a hard time doing the number 2. Well constipation is a known issue for me but I know that the root cause of that is my diet. So I have to do something fast, I have to make a big change. So everyone is talking about keto diet but I have been on this weight less journey for more than 10 years and I know for a fact that fad diet are not healthy. I respect people’s choice of keto diet but I know it’s not for me. So I decided to do the Master Cleanse, for me it’s not a diet but this is something that has to be done to reset one’s mindset on food.

So what is Master Cleanse?

Master Cleanse was popularized by Queen Bey. I mean, people knew that this is what she did for her to lose weight for the movie Dreamgirls. I am not a big fan of Beyonce but whoa, it was Beyonce who tried it and I remember her being just tall and gorgeous in Dreamgirls so I was willing to give it a try.

In this diet, one is on pure liquid diet, drinking just a concoction of lemon, water, cayenne pepper and maple syrup. This should be done for minimum of 10 days. You should also be doing a salt water flush and drink detox tea. In my experience, I did not do the salt water flush because I don’t know where to buy himalayan salt. Exercise is also not a requirement.

There is a pre- and post- diet after the master cleanse where in your tummy is just being prepared for the cleanse or you going out of the cleanse. The pre-diet is optional. I did not do it. My last meal prior to the cleanse was a lot and I had ice cream.  

The Preparation

What you will be reading is not a faithful Master cleanse but on my workaround on lazy days and what not.

I purchased Cayenne Pepper from Healthy options where everything is organic, I was also thinking that the maple syrup was too expensive so I settled on buying organic honey also in Healthy options. I also bought the detox Tea from Healthy options which I would regret eventually. I was supposed to visit my local grocery store for my lemons when I found this stall at the middle of Festival mall, claiming that their lemons were organic so I bought them too.

1 glass of water= 2 tbsp of honey= 2 tbsp lemon= 1/10 tsp of cayenne pepper. I had a container of 1L water so I just did the math to create my concoction. I did something stupid with my cayenne pepper container that I ended with so much. I got a taste and it was spicy! Lol.

Day 1
I had nothing to eat or drink but this mixture. I still drank water of course, I think I drank 8 glasses of water and finished my liter of this lemon-water-cayenne pepper concoction. I also had detox tea. They said that people doing the cleanse should be drinking 6-12 glasses of this. So from the 4 lbs that I gained from the past 2 days prior the cleanse, I actually lost 2 lbs just after one day into the cleanse! Whoa.

Day 2
I continued drinking just this and I had headache. I just slept on it. I did not have any problems with my mood, I was even feeling energized. I thought I would have difficult in that aspect because I have been a huge coffee drinker for a year now. I need at least 1 cup of coffee to survive the day, the most was 3 cups of coffee. I did not have the urge to have coffee. I am not saying coffee is bad but I don’t want my body relying on something just for it to function properly. I lost another 2 lbs!

Day 3
I was not so psyched at work because of the headache that I experience the day before but lo and behold, I was feeling so much better. It did not last long. Within my shift, I started feeling the headache again. I ate pork and drank a pill for my headache, the remaining hours were still a struggle for me. After my shift, I felt a little better, I took a nap and then I had my run. I thought I would not survive an hour ran but I did, I even performed better compared to my other days. I can really attest that the cleanse actually makes one energetic. I was already prepared for the short patience and mood swings but I actually felt calmer. I thought I will have a shorter patience but no. I even lost 3 lbs on this day! Yay!

Day 4
This was different, this is when I felt the shitty things that I was expecting, I was impatient, moody and hungry. I also had a very long sleep. I lost 1 lb on this day.  

Day 5
I did not lose any lb. This is not a great day. I was, for some reason, sad. I think it was because I was about to have my period. I was afraid that I was plateauing already that I decided it was time for me to eat. I ate a salad, grilled chicken and soup.

Day 6
I actually did not weight myself on this day and I was like, I will eat since it’s the weekend. I just had a salad and whole day I slept.

Day 7
I was continuing the liquid diet but I can really feel the hunger pangs so bad I almost had a brownie/muffin/food when we went to that cafe. I just drank lemonade.

Day 8
I had a salad and continued again drinking the Lemon-water-cayenne pepper concoction the whole entire day and apparently I gained 2 lbs from Day 5. It was easier this time. I also started drinking laxative tea.  

Day 9
I was almost done. I cannot remember if I eat something here but what’s noteworthy is that I ran for another hour. It was a struggle though. My body was aching the whole day, I was feeling very tired that I raise my white flag and purchased coffee. I checked my weight and lost 4 lbs. The workout was worth it but I will not do it again.

Day 10
I hated this day. I even gain 1lb. They said it was women’s body retaining water. What the fudge?! Overall. I lost a good 10 lbs prior to me starting the process.

Am I recommending this? Yes, this is a great way to reset your body when you’re all lost in eating junk. People notice that I had clearer and fairer skin. I will definitely be doing this and I will be more faithful to the process for me to get the full effect of the cleanse. I also noticed that my tummy shrink a bit and it really helped me in my running. After the cleanse, I saw improvement in my stamina. I also had my first donut after the cleanse, I know I was supposed to do post-diet but I just cannot help it. Dunkin Donuts just opened, they had really great coffee. I will just have to deal with the indigestion eventually.

Ang puti-puti ko, (I am so white) I looked like a white lady. 

I also noticed how I spent less money when it comes to food maybe because I no longer have to answer the age-old question, ‘San tayo kakain?’ because I will just have to drink my concoction and I am good. I will just have to settle for soup and if I plan to workout I can have solid food since I will be burning it during the exercise.

I am not a nutritionist and I know some nutritionist and dietitian do not agree with this cleanse (I think they just will not recommend this if this will be used for a long term solution) but I think this is good. I used to run to buy chocolate when coffee can no longer do the trick to keep me awake but now my body no longer depends on sugar and caffeine just to be awake. I am not sure if lemon has to do with me being more energetic. Have you tried the Master Cleanse? Any suggestion since I am planning to redo my experience in the future? Please do not be shy at the comments below.   
